Diamonds from our Kennel
There are also a great number of dogs from our kennel working in many disciplines:
They also have to be mentioned.
Rescue dog for many years and send to many missions Groenendael- Xanthos v’t Guitpad (2010) (Ares des Perles Noires X Shiva v’t Guitpad). Xanthos went to South America to find two missing Dutch girls in the Panama jungle in 2014). Trained and owned by Han and Jifke Smeets in Holland.
Xanthos v’t Guitpad
Another remarkable dog is the Tervueren Jamash v’t Guitpad (2010) Amigo Ingoz de laTyvel X Danicha v’t Guitpad). Jamash is an International and Austrian Champion (Champion in 5 countries). He is trained in many disciplines such as defense, social dog and speed. At the age of 6 years he was still unbeatable on the racetrack. He is for sure one of a kind. A dog combining beauty and working. Jamash v’t Guitpad is living in Austria and trained and owned by Sindii Salji with help of her friends. A remarkable dog which made us proud again and again.
Jamash v’t Guitpad
Another discipline where our dogs prove their qualities is of course the agility:
There are many dogs active in this sport and I shall mention some of them which reached a high level.
- Tervueren: Ila v’t Guitpad (Blackwaters Blue Ocean X Ferrah v’t Guitpad ) born12-10-2008.
- Tervueren: Kimina v’t Guitpad (Caruso de la Chenestre X Ferrah v’t Guitpad) born 8-8-2011.
- Groenendael: Yla v’t Guitpad (Hurricane v.d Schagerwaard X Umrah v’t Guitpad born 12-3-2012
- Groenendael: Binah v’t Guitpad(Jago de Sincfal X Xantha v’t Guitpad) born 17-5-2014
The Top Winner in this discipline is of course Xenia v’t Guitpad (Ares des Perles Noires X Shiva v’t Guitpad). This dog is still by far the fastest dog in the agility sport in Southern Germany. She is trained and owned by Christa Orthega in Bayern-Germany.
Binah v’t Guitpad
Talking about working dogs we also have to mention the descendents of our Terveuren Stud-male Cubik v’t Guitpad. Cubiks ofspring was extremely good in type and character.
IPO-certificated descendents from Cubik.
- IntChamp.Chuck vd Feldstiege (Cubik v’t Guitapad X Belle v.d Lambertshügel) -IPO-3 Clubsieger and Herbstsieger for many years. Born 7-12-2004.
- Emba v.d Feldstiege (Cubik v’t Guitpad X Belle v.d Lambertshügel) -IPO-3 .Born 13-6-2007.
Top-Agility dogs from Cubik:
- Bella-Chica von Coronado (Cubik v’t Guitpad X Chila du Domaine de l’Avenir) Born 15-8-2007 (Bred in Switzerland)
Trained and owned by Christa Ortega-Bayern Germany. - Yakuza-Dart (Cubik v’t Guitpad X Wiktora Dart) (Bred in Poland) Born 2-6-2008.
Cubik v’t Guitpad and descendents
As one of our latest highlights I would like to mention the Tervueren female Magiera -Jodie v’t Guitpad who became an International and Austrian Champion in 2019. In 2018 she already became Jugend Alpensieger in two different countries.
Magiera-Jodie v’t Guitpad